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Summer Camps

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Exclusive use for groups of 140+ 

Here are some comments from leaders who have chosen Panfork as their camp home:
"Panfork is a camp that really cares about the people it serves.  I’ve been to a number of different youth camps, kid camps, and adult retreats, but the staff at Panfork make a visit there a unique experience. Their passion and dedication to gospel ministry show through in their kindness, their hard work, and their flexibility each time I’ve had the pleasure of visiting. Whether the youth are playing Gaga Ball or Archery Tag, the kids are swimming in the pool or pond,  our campers have enjoyed every chance they’ve had to go to Panfork."    
           -Kyle Collins, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Pampa​

"We look forward to our camp at Panfork.  It is so nice to get away from everyday life and be surrounded by people that love the Lord and love our students.  Panfork is a place to connect and reconnect to Jesus.  I thank God for their continued commitment to Christian Camping. "                                                                                                                              - Daniel Ortner, FBC Pampa

“Honestly we loved everything about it [Camp]!  I cannot tell you how many great things our kids and parents had to say.” 
                                                   -Cliff Cary, FBC Amarillo

About the Food:
     “Some of the best camp food I’ve ever had.”
     “Very Good, plenty of food!”
     “Food was excellent!”
About the Staff:
     “Positive Attitudes!  Great Staff.”
     “The Staff was amazing!  The kids got so much encouragement        from y’all.  They love the cheering from the zip line staff!”

Panfork's main ministry is to provide an environment for students and kids to hear and respond to the Gospel Message during the summer.  We provide 1 Youth and 2 Kid's Camps that are fully programmed by the staff of Panfork.  



  • Our Summer Camp Docs is a link to the page that has both adult and student registration forms along with a packing list to prepare for camp.  


  • The Group Registration link will take you to the form to fill out a request for your group to attend one of Panfork's Program Camp weeks (Panfork's Kids Camp 1 or 2 or Panfork's Youth Camp).

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